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Innovation and Commercialization

Course Description:

Innovation and Commercialization is taught by distinguished practicing innovators. They debunk the concept of innovation as a linear process, from research to development to product in the market. They present a simple model for understanding it as a highly iterative process, in which you cycle repeatedly through many factors in the areas of Technology, Market and Implementation -- until the right pieces come together. Prof. Fitzgerald tells the story of his own major innovation, tracing it along the winding path into products we use every day. The course then proceeds to tell the larger story of how the vaunted American 'pipeline' for carrying this process has been pulled apart.

Course Tags: Innovation
  • Instructor(s) Eugene Fitzgerald, Andreas Wankerl
  • University
  • Provider
  • Start Date 14/Jan/2015
  • Duration 13 weeks
  • Main Language English
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