Preparing for the AP Biology exam requires a deep understanding of many different topics in biology as well as an understanding of the AP exam and the types of questions it asks. This course is Part 2 of our XSeries: Preparing for the AP* Biology Exam and it is designed to prepare you for the AP Biology exam. In Part 2, you will explore how information is passed from one generation to the next. You will look at the molecular level of genetics as well as the bigger picture. Learn how DNA holds the instructions to life. As you work through this course, you will find lecture videos taught by expert AP Biology teachers, practice multiple choice questions and free response questions that are similar to what you will encounter on the AP exam and tutorial videos that show you step-by-step how to solve problems. By the end of the course, you should be ready to take on the AP exam! Additional Courses in this XSeries: Preparing for the AP* Biology Exam – Part 1: The Cell Preparing for the AP* Biology Exam – Part 3: Evolution and Diversity Preparing for the AP* Biology Exam – Part 4: Ecology Preparing for the AP* Biology Exam – Part 5: Review and Exam Preparation
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