Level | Course Title | University | Provider |
CES250 | America Through Foreign Eyes | Rice University | Coursera |
DESG101 | Design 101 (or Design Basics) | Abadir Fine Arts Academy | Iversity |
HIST250 | Magic in the Middle Ages | University of Barcelona | Coursera |
HIST273 | Islam, The Middle East, and The West | Saylor | Saylor |
HIST313 | The Art and Archaeology of Ancient Nubia | Emory University | Coursera |
HIST453 | The Fall and Rise of Jerusalem | Tel Aviv University | Coursera |
MUS140 | Fundamentals of Music Theory | The University of Edinburgh | Coursera |
MUS164 | Introduction to Digital Sound Design | Emory University | Coursera |
MUS364 | Introduction to Music Production | Berklee College of Music | Coursera |
PSYCH245 | Bullying 101: Beyond common sense | University of Padova | Iversity |
PSYCH269 | Soul Beliefs: Causes and Consequences | Rutgers University | Coursera |
PSYCH321 | Theories of Personality | Saylor | Saylor |
REL310 | The Letters of the Apostle Paul | Harvard | EdX |