Hyegyeong J.
  • 16 Saved Courses
  • 0 Courses Completed
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All Saved Courses

Level Course Title University Provider
ECON327 International Trade Saylor Saylor
ECON327 International Trade MRUniversity MRUniversity
MED0 Diabetes: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Opportunities University of California, San Francisco Coursera
MED0 Diabetes - a Global Challenge University of Copenhagen Coursera
MED0 Care of Elders with Alzheimer's Disease and other Major Neurocognitive Disorders Johns Hopkins University Coursera
MGT OP340 Operations Management Saylor Saylor
MGT OP340 An Introduction to Operations Management University of Pennsylvania Coursera
MGT OP340 Operations Management University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Coursera
MGT OP345 Master Control in Supply Chain Management and Logistics Chalmers EdX
MGT OP345 Supply Chain Management: A Learning Perspective Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Coursera
MGT OP345 Supply Chain and Logistics Fundamentals MIT EdX
MGT OP350 System Design for Supply Chain Management and Logistics Chalmers EdX
MGT OP360 Supply Chain Design MIT EdX
MGT OP410 Supply Chain Dynamics MIT EdX
PHAR0 Introduction to Pharmacy The Ohio State University Coursera
STATS350 Applied Logistic Regression The Ohio State University Coursera