Level | Course Title | University | Provider |
HIST480 | Historical Relic Treasures and Cultural China: Part 1 | Tsinghua | EdX |
MATH90 | Intro Algebra Review | Udacity | Udacity |
MATH91 | Visualizing Algebra | Udacity | Udacity |
MATH91 | Beginning Algebra | Saylor | Saylor |
MATH91 | College Algebra | Udacity | Udacity |
MATH96 | Pre-University Calculus | Delft | EdX |
MATH113 | Mathematics I | UNINETTUNO | OpenupEd |
MATH131 | Effective Thinking Through Mathematics | UTAustin | EdX |
MATH143 | Introduction to Complexity | Santa Fe Institute | Santa Fe Institute |
MATH193 | Street-Fighting Math | MIT | EdX |
TEX E215 | Theory of Yarn Structures | IIT Delhi | NPTEL |
TEX E271 | Natural Dyes | IIT Kanpur | NPTEL |