Laura C.
  • 29 Saved Courses
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All Saved Courses

Level Course Title University Provider
CE456 Fundamentals of Digital Image and Video Processing Northwestern University Coursera
COM155 Making Sense of News The University of Hong Kong EdX
COM250 Journalism Skills for Engaged Citizens The University of Melbourne Coursera
COM271 Understanding Media by Understanding Google Northwestern University Coursera
COM282 Journalism for Social Change University of California, Berkeley EdX
ECON303 Economics of Money and Banking, Part One Columbia University Coursera
ECON303 Economics of Money and Banking, Part Two Columbia University Coursera
ECON364 Economics of the Media MRUniversity MRUniversity
EDU228 FLOW Education: Facilitating Learning through Outdoor Watershed Education National Geographic Society Coursera
ENG100 Principles of Written English, Part 1 University of California, Berkeley EdX
FIN280 Wall Street MOOC First Business MOOC First Business MOOC
HIST224 The Civil War and Reconstruction - 1865-1890 Columbia University EdX
HIST330 Causes of war King's College London FutureLearn
LAW336 Constitutional Law Yale University Coursera
LAW336 Introduction to Key Constitutional Concepts and Supreme Court Cases University of Pennsylvania Coursera
LAW365 International Human Rights Law: Prospects and Challenges Duke University Coursera
LAW378 Surveillance Law Stanford University Coursera
PHIL108 Revolutionary Ideas: An Introduction to Legal and Political Philosophy University of Pennsylvania Coursera
PHIL342 Practical Ethics Princeton University Coursera
POLSCI112 Democratic Development Stanford University Coursera
POLSCI210 America's Written Constitution Yale University Coursera
POLSCI322 Justice Harvard EdX
POLSCI425 Central Challenges of American National Security, Strategy and the Press Harvard EdX
POLSCI432 Understanding Terrorism and the Terrorist Threat University of Maryland, College Park Coursera
POLSCI433 Terrorism and Counterterrorism Georgetown EdX
POLSCI442 International Law Saylor Saylor
SOC341 Paradoxes of War Princeton University Coursera
SOC433 Responding to 9/11 Duke University Coursera
THEAT265 DOCUMENTARY! New Trends, New Formats Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) EdX