Pam B.
  • 25 Saved Courses
  • 0 Courses Completed
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All Saved Courses

Level Course Title University Provider
HIST101 History of Europe, 1000 to 1800 Saylor Saylor
HIST102 History of Europe, 1800 to the Present Saylor Saylor
HIST110 United States History 1 Saylor Saylor
HIST111 United States History II Saylor Saylor
HIST120 Ancient Civilizations of the World Saylor Saylor
HIST121 A History of the World since 1300 Princeton University Coursera
HIST122 Early Globalizations Saylor Saylor
HIST123 World History in the Early Modern and Modern Eras (1600-Present) Saylor Saylor
HIST130 Practicing Tolerance in a Religious Society: The Church and the Jews in Italy University of Maryland, College Park Coursera
HIST131 The Modern World: Global History since 1760 University of Virginia Coursera
HIST180 Age of Jefferson University of Virginia Coursera
HIST181 The Kennedy Half Century University of Virginia Coursera
HIST186 Objects That Define America Smithsonian Institution EdX
HIST211 American Capitalism: A History Cornell EdX
HIST215 Introduction to United States History Saylor Saylor
HIST216 Introduction to United States History Saylor Saylor
HIST220 History of the Slave South University of Pennsylvania Coursera
HIST222 Civil War and Reconstruction - Part 1 1850 -1861 Columbia University EdX
HIST223 The Civil War and Reconstruction - 1861-1865 Columbia University EdX
HIST224 The Civil War and Reconstruction - 1865-1890 Columbia University EdX
HIST230 Colonial Latin and South America Saylor Saylor
HIST250 Sagas and Space - Thinking Space in Viking Age and Medieval Scandinavia University of Zurich Coursera
REL220 The Bible's Prehistory, Purpose, and Political Future Emory University Coursera
REL306 Jesus in Scripture and Tradition NotreDame EdX
REL310 The Letters of the Apostle Paul Harvard EdX