课程介绍视频可以访问这里。 本课程将讲解汉语作为第二语言学习中学习者最容易发生偏误的12个汉语最基本的语法项目,帮助学习者进一步理解、掌握这些语法项目在句法、语义及语用上的特点。 This course explores 12 grammar points which the people who study Chinese as a second language might find most difficult. It aims to help you further understand these grammars, including syntax, semantics and pragmatics. 课程中提供了大量的语法练习题目,以帮助学习者提高在语境中准确运用语法知识进行表达的能力,包括读、说、写、译等各种技能。 This course contains plenty of exercises to help you improve your skills in reading, speaking, writing and translating, both accurately and fluently. 本课程也将帮助学习者了解汉语作为一门语言,她自己具有的独特特点,帮助学习者建立起用汉语进行思考的意识。 This course also helps you understand the characteristics of Chinese as a language, and reminds you think in Chinese when you use it. 本课程包括教学视频,每个视频时间为10分钟左右。每个教学单元中包括一个课后作业,还有一个期中考试和期末考试。 The class will consist of lecture videos, which are approximately 10 minutes in length. There will also be standalone assignments that are not part of video lectures in each teaching unit, a midterm exam and a final exam.
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