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The Rise of Superheroes and Their Impact On Pop Culture

Course Description:

Join the Smithsonian, and comic book industry legend Stan Lee, to explore the history of the comic book and the rise of superheroes. The ancient gods of Egyptian, Greek and Roman myths still exist, but today, they have superpowers, human foibles and secret identities. They come from comic books and graphic novels, and have taken over pop culture on the stage, screen, video games, and animation. From Superman® and Spider-Man®, to The Avengers® and The Hulk® and beyond, who are these heroes? And, how have they evolved from folklore and myth, across all cultures and religions? Learn from Smithsonian and industry experts including: -Stan Lee, who was one of the creators of the modern superhero template. His early comics featuring Spider-Man, Iron Man®, The Hulk, Thor®, and The Avengers led Marvel to success. He continues to reinvent himself to create modern global superheroes and appear in cameos in superhero films and TV, such as Avengers: Age of Ultron. -Michael Uslan, executive producer of top grossing, award winning movies, including The Dark Knight series, Lego® Movie, the animated Batman films and Batman® VS Superman.

Course Tags: Culture
  • Instructor(s) Various
  • University
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  • Start Date 12/Aug/2015
  • Duration 5 weeks
  • Main Language English
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