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Building Mobile Experiences

Classified as: CS390 - Building Mobile Experiences (3 Alt. Courses Available)
Course Description:

How do you design a mobile app that truly changes people's lives? How can you understand how a new service is being used, both quantitatively and qualitatively? How can you use all of the rich sensing and I/O capabilities of mobile devices to create experiences that go far beyond what's possible on a traditional computer?   Mobile devices are changing the ways that we interact with each other and information in the world. This course will take you from a domain of interest, through generative research, design, usability, implementation and field evaluation of a novel mobile experience. You'll finish the course with a working, field-tested application suitable for release in the app store as well as a deep understanding of human interaction with mobile devices and services.   Based on a popular MIT class that has been taught since 2006 by Frank Bentley of Yahoo Labs and Ed Barrett, a Senior Lecturer at MIT, this course will explore what makes mobile devices unique. A primary focus will be on studying existing behavior and using key findings for design. While writing the code for an app is a part of the class, the majority of the topics will cover designing and evaluating a unique mobile experience. Along the way, you will have opportunities to share your work with other students from around the world! Java experience (or Objective C for iOS users) and a smartphone are required.    

  • Instructor(s) Frank Bentley, Ed Barrett
  • University
  • Provider
  • Start Date 02/Feb/2015
  • Duration 12 weeks
  • Main Language English
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