Finn K.
  • 19 Saved Courses
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All Saved Courses

Level Course Title University Provider
CS180 Introduction to Linux LinuFoundation EdX
CS227 UX Design for Mobile Developers Udacity Udacity
CS390 Begin programming: build your first mobile game University of Reading FutureLearn
CS391 Programming Mobile Applications for Android Handheld Systems University of Maryland, College Park Coursera
CS408 Data Visualization University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Coursera
CS485 Machine Learning Stanford University Coursera
CS485 Scalable Machine Learning University of California, Berkeley EdX
CS485 Learning From Data Caltech EdX
CS486 Neural Networks for Machine Learning University of Toronto Coursera
STATS202 Introduction to Statistics: Descriptive Statistics University of California, Berkeley EdX
STATS273 Explore Statistics with R Karolinska Institutet EdX
STATS310 Regression Models Johns Hopkins University Coursera
STATS333 Statistics and R for the Life Sciences Harvard EdX
STATS350 Applied Regression Analysis The Ohio State University Coursera
STATS377 Data, Analytics and Learning UTArlington EdX
STATS380 Computing for Data Analysis Johns Hopkins University Coursera
STATS405 Practical Machine Learning Johns Hopkins University Coursera
STATS430 The Caltech-JPL Summer School on Big Data Analytics Caltech Coursera
STATS436 Data Analysis for Life Sciences 6: High-performance Computing for Reproducible Genomics Harvard EdX