Ester S.
  • 29 Saved Courses
  • 0 Courses Completed
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All Saved Courses

Level Course Title University Provider
CS101 Computer Science 101 Stanford University Coursera
CS101 An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python Rice University Coursera
CS101 Learn to Program: The Fundamentals University of Toronto Coursera
CS101 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming MIT EdX
CS122 Elementary Data Structures Saylor Saylor
CS230 C++ Programming Saylor Saylor
CS230 C++ For C Programmers University of California, Santa Cruz Coursera
CS260 Computer Architecture Saylor Saylor
CS265 Learn to Program: Crafting Quality Code University of Toronto Coursera
CS295 Algorithms Saylor Saylor
CS295 Analysis of Algorithms Princeton University Coursera
CS310 Web Development Saylor Saylor
CS325 Programming Languages University of Washington Coursera
CS370 The Hardware Software Interface University of Washington Coursera
CS380 Introduction to Data Science University of Washington Coursera
CS400 Introduction to Modern Database Systems Saylor Saylor
CS400 Introduction to Databases Stanford University Coursera
CS432 Cryptography Saylor Saylor
CS432 Cryptography Stanford University Coursera
CS433 Cryptography II Stanford University Coursera
CS442 Foundations of Computer Graphics University of California, Berkeley EdX
CS445 Natural Language Processing Columbia University Coursera
CS453 Advanced Databases Saylor Saylor
CS454 Compilers Saylor Saylor
CS454 Compiler Design IISc Bangalore NPTEL
CS468 Graph Theory IISc Bangalore NPTEL
EDU265 Library Advocacy Unshushed: Values, evidence, action University of Toronto EdX