Jae-Min J.
  • 21 Saved Courses
  • 0 Courses Completed
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All Saved Courses

Level Course Title University Provider
CS87 The Beauty and Joy of Computing (CS Principles), Part 1 University of California, Berkeley EdX
CS101 Computer Science 101 Stanford University Coursera
CS101 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming MIT EdX
CS260 Computer Architecture Saylor Saylor
CS380 Introduction to Data Science University of Washington Coursera
CS386 Computer Security Stanford University Coursera
CS412 Pattern Recognition IISc Bangalore NPTEL
CS432 Cryptography Stanford University Coursera
CS434 Cryptography and Network Security IIT Kharagpur NPTEL
CS454 Compiler Design IISc Bangalore NPTEL
CS455 Introduction to Computer Networks University of Washington Coursera
CS485 Scalable Machine Learning University of California, Berkeley EdX
CS485 Learning From Data Caltech EdX
CS485 Machine Learning Stanford University Coursera
CS536 Computer Networking Udacity Udacity
CS543 High Performance Computer Architecture Udacity Udacity
EE261 Linear Circuits Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera
EE261 Circuits and Electronics MIT EdX
EE354 Computation Structures - Part 1: Digital Circuits MIT EdX
MATH83 Introduction to Geometry SchoolYourself EdX
PHYS202 Electricity & Magnetism Rice University EdX