Juan C.
  • 14 Saved Courses
  • 0 Courses Completed
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All Saved Courses

Level Course Title University Provider
GER101 Auf Deutsch: Communicating in German Across Cultures University of Pennsylvania Coursera
ITALY101 Italian Language and Culture: Beginner Wellesley EdX
ITALY201 Italian Language and Culture: Intermediate Wellesley EdX
ITALY301 Italian Language and Culture: Advanced Wellesley EdX
LAW220 English Common Law: An Introduction University of London International Programmes Coursera
LAW265 ContractsX: From Trust to Promise to Contract Harvard EdX
LAW305 The Global Student's Introduction to U.S. Law University of Florida Coursera
LAW336 Constitutional Law Yale University Coursera
LAW336 Introduction to Key Constitutional Concepts and Supreme Court Cases University of Pennsylvania Coursera
MUS140 Fundamentals of Music Theory The University of Edinburgh Coursera
MUS189 Introduction to Guitar Berklee College of Music Coursera
PHIL180 Think Again: How to Reason and Argue Duke University Coursera
PHIL180 Critical Thinking - Reason and Fair Play in Communication Maastricht School of Management Romania Iversity
PHIL322 The Modern and the Postmodern Wesleyan University Coursera