Luke R.
  • 29 Saved Courses
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All Saved Courses

Level Course Title University Provider
HIST120 Ancient Civilizations of the World Saylor Saylor
HIST121 A History of the World since 1300 Princeton University Coursera
HIST122 Early Globalizations Saylor Saylor
HIST211 American Capitalism: A History Cornell EdX
HIST266 Tangible Things: Discovering History Through Artworks, Artifacts, Scientific Specimens, and the Stuff Around You Harvard EdX
HIST317 The Magna Carta and its Legacy University of London Coursera
HIST339 Greece, The Roman Republic, and The Roman Empire Saylor Saylor
HIST340 The Ancient Greeks Wesleyan University Coursera
HIST403 Was Alexander Great? The Life, Leadership, and Legacies of History’s Greatest Warrior Wellesley EdX
HIST429 Capitalism and Democracy in America Saylor Saylor
PHIL220 Philosophy of Science Saylor Saylor
PHIL220 Philosophy and the Sciences The University of Edinburgh Coursera
PHIL304 Soren Kierkegaard - Subjectivity, Irony and the Crisis of Modernity University of Copenhagen Coursera
PHIL313 Ideas of the Twentieth Century UTAustin EdX
PHIL314 Existentialism Saylor Saylor
PHIL322 The Modern and the Postmodern Wesleyan University Coursera
PHIL408 The Philosophy of Death Saylor Saylor
PHIL427 Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind & Cognition IIT Bombay NPTEL
PHIL461 Indian Philosophy IIT Madras NPTEL
PHYS250 Mastering Quantum Mechanics MIT EdX
PHYS380 The discovery of the Higgs boson The University of Edinburgh FutureLearn
PHYS445 Exploring Quantum Physics University of Maryland, College Park Coursera
PSYCH375 Buddhism and Modern Psychology Princeton University Coursera
REL165 Greek and Roman Mythology University of Pennsylvania Coursera
REL220 The Bible's Prehistory, Purpose, and Political Future Emory University Coursera
REL236 Spirituality and Sensuality: Sacred Objects in Religious Life Hamilton EdX
REL240 Buddhist Meditation and the Modern World University of Virginia Coursera
REL306 Jesus in Scripture and Tradition NotreDame EdX
REL310 The Letters of the Apostle Paul Harvard EdX