Chiew L.
  • 16 Saved Courses
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All Saved Courses

Level Course Title University Provider
EDU283 Positive Behavior Support for Young Children University of Washington EdX
EDU302 Accountable TalkĀ®: Conversation that Works University of Pittsburgh Coursera
EDU320 Surviving Your Rookie Year of Teaching: 3 Key Ideas & High Leverage Techniques Match Education Coursera
EDU338 What future for education? University of London Coursera
EDU339 Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills The University of Melbourne Coursera
EDU342 Blended Learning: Personalizing Education for Students New Teacher Center Coursera
EDU345 e-Learning Ecologies University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Coursera
PUB H0 Global Health Cultures University of Florida Coursera
PUB H0 Health for All Through Primary Care Johns Hopkins University Coursera
PUB H0 Health Informatics in the Cloud Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera
PUB H0 Take the Lead on Healthcare Quality Improvement Case Western Reserve University Coursera
PUB H0 The Challenges of Global Health Duke University Coursera
PUB H0 Mobile Healthcare technologies for patients and providers Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera
PUB H0 Health Leadership UNSW Australia (The University of New South Wales) Coursera
PUB H0 American Health Policy: The Structure of the American Health Care System (Part I of II) University of Pennsylvania Coursera
PUB H0 The Impact of Nursing University of Liverpool FutureLearn