Level | Course Title | University | Provider |
CS101 | An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Part 2) | Rice University | Coursera |
CS101 | An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python | Rice University | Coursera |
CS230 | C++ Programming | Saylor | Saylor |
CS310 | Web Development | Saylor | Saylor |
CS415 | Gamification | University of Pennsylvania | Coursera |
CS437 | General Game Playing | Stanford University | Coursera |
CS445 | Natural Language Processing | Stanford University | Coursera |
CS445 | Natural Language Processing | Columbia University | Coursera |
ECON451 | Markets with Frictions | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Coursera |
PSYCH175 | Unlocking the Immunity to Change: A New Approach to Personal Improvement | Harvard | EdX |
PSYCH180 | The Science of Happiness | University of California, Berkeley | EdX |
TRDEV232 | Success - Unleash yourself | University of Agder | Novoed |