M T.
  • 20 Saved Courses
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All Saved Courses

Level Course Title University Provider
BIO316 Proteins: Biology's Workforce Rice EdX
CS317 Automata Stanford University Coursera
CS351 Web Intelligence and Big Data Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera
CS412 Pattern Recognition IISc Bangalore NPTEL
CS454 Compiler Design IISc Bangalore NPTEL
CS454 Compilers Stanford University Coursera
CS482 Autonomous Mobile Robots ETH Zurich EdX
CS485 Machine Learning Stanford University Coursera
CS485 Machine Learning University of Washington Coursera
CS485 Scalable Machine Learning University of California, Berkeley EdX
CS485 Learning From Data Caltech EdX
CS486 Neural Networks for Machine Learning University of Toronto Coursera
IT324 Principles and Practice of Computer Aided Translation Peking University EdX
MATH216 Discrete Structures Saylor Saylor
MATH273 Massively Multivariable Open Online Calculus Course The Ohio State University Coursera
PSYCH308 Industrial and Organizational Psychology Saylor Saylor
STATS377 Data, Analytics and Learning UTArlington EdX
STATS405 Practical Machine Learning Johns Hopkins University Coursera
STATS415 Probabilistic Graphical Models Stanford University Coursera
STATS418 Big Data Analytics for Healthcare Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera