Muhammad N.
  • 15 Saved Courses
  • 0 Courses Completed
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All Saved Courses

Level Course Title University Provider
CS143 Intro to Salesforce App Development Udacity Udacity
CS166 How to Use Git and GitHub Udacity Udacity
CS297 Beginning Game Programming with C# University of Colorado System Coursera
CS298 HTML5 Game Development Udacity Udacity
CS386 Computer Security Stanford University Coursera
CS389 Malicious Software and its Underground Economy: Two Sides to Every Story University of London International Programmes Coursera
CS391 Programming Mobile Applications for Android Handheld Systems University of Maryland, College Park Coursera
CS411 Startup Engineering Stanford University Coursera
CS423 Interactive Computer Graphics with WebGL University of New Mexico Coursera
CS466 Embedded Systems - Shape The World UTAustin EdX
EE214 Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering Rice University Coursera
EE261 Circuits and Electronics MIT EdX
EE340 Introduction to Electronics Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera
MECH E110 Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Saylor Saylor
MECH E116 Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Saylor Saylor