Ruby L.
  • 47 Saved Courses
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All Saved Courses

Level Course Title University Provider
ANTH95 Anthropology of Current World Issues The University of Queensland EdX
CIVIL E363 Engineering: Building with Nature Delft EdX
ECON357 Greening the Economy: Lessons from Scandinavia Lund University Coursera
ECON374 Debt Sustainability Analysis IMF EdX
ENTR340 Social Entrepreneurship Copenhagen Business School Coursera
ENTR340 Social Entrepreneurship University of Pennsylvania Coursera
ENTR340 Business Models for Social Enterprise Acumen Novoed
ENTR340 Social Entrepreneurship 101: Discovering Your Passion and Path to Change the World Acumen Novoed
ENTR342 Lean Startup Principles for Social Impact Acumen Novoed
ENVSCI240 How Green Is That Product? An Introduction to Environmental Life Cycle Assessment Northwestern University Coursera
ENVSCI266 Fairness and nature: When worlds collide University of Leeds FutureLearn
ENVSCI275 Modeling Climate Change The University of Chicago EdX
ENVSCI289 Making Sense of Climate Science Denial The University of Queensland EdX
ENVSCI305 Introduction to Sustainable Development Columbia University Coursera
ENVSCI305 Turn Down the Heat: Why a 4°C Warmer World Must be Avoided The World Bank Coursera
ENVSCI378 Wheels of Metals: Urban Mining for a Circular Economy Universiteit Leiden Coursera
ENVSCI450 Society, Economy, and the Environment Saylor Saylor
ES100 Our Earth: Its Climate, History, and Processes University of Manchester Coursera
ES101 Sustainability in Practice University of Pennsylvania Coursera
ES102 Sustainability, society and you University of Nottingham FutureLearn
ES120 Our Energetic Earth University of Toronto EdX
ES250 Changing Weather and Climate in the Great Lakes Region University of Wisconsin-Madison Coursera
ES260 Energy 101 Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera
ES260 Our Energy Future UC San Diego Coursera
ES260 Energy-The Technology You Must Know in the 21st Century | 能源─21世紀你必須了解的科技! Open Education Consortium EdX
ES265 Global Sustainable Energy: Past, Present and Future University of Florida Coursera
ES265 Energy, the Environment, and Our Future The Pennsylvania State University Coursera
ES265 Basics of Energy Sustainability Rice EdX
ES275 Climate Change The University of Melbourne Coursera
ES275 Climate Literacy: Navigating Climate Conversations The University of British Columbia Coursera
ES275 Climate change: challenges and solutions University of Exeter FutureLearn
ES275 Global Warming: The Science of Climate Change The University of Chicago Coursera
ES275 Climate Change in Four Dimensions UC San Diego Coursera
ES322 Introduction to Water and Climate Delft EdX
MATSCI420 Environmental Degradation of Materials IIT Kanpur NPTEL
MECH E320 Sustainable Product Development Stanford University Novoed
MECH E368 Wind, Waves and Tides: Alternative Energy Systems University of Toronto Coursera
MGT243 Strategy and the Sustainable Enterprise IIMB EdX
MGT243 Make an Impact: Sustainability for Professionals University of Bath FutureLearn
MGT OP345 Supply Chain and Logistics Fundamentals MIT EdX
MGT OP350 Process Improvement University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Coursera
MGT OP360 Supply Chain Design MIT EdX
MGT OP410 Supply Chain Dynamics MIT EdX
PSYCH234 Creativity, Innovation, and Change The Pennsylvania State University Coursera
PSYCH375 Buddhism and Modern Psychology Princeton University Coursera
REL240 Buddhist Meditation and the Modern World University of Virginia Coursera
SOC230 Introduction to Global Sociology Wellesley EdX