Scott P.
  • 17 Saved Courses
  • 0 Courses Completed
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All Saved Courses

Level Course Title University Provider
ANTH120 A Brief History of Humankind Hebrew University of Jerusalem Coursera
ANTH123 Recovering the Humankind Past and Saving the Universal Heritage Sapienza University of Rome Coursera
ANTH160 Becoming Human: Anthropology Macquarie university Open2Study
ANTH160 Introduction to Human Evolution Wellesley EdX
ANTH230 Archeology’s Dirty Little Secrets Brown University Coursera
ANTH313 Stonehenge The University of Buckingham Iversity
AS0 Animal Behaviour and Welfare The University of Edinburgh Coursera
AS0 Canine Theriogenology for Dog Enthusiasts University of Minnesota Coursera
CE390 Hardware Security University of Maryland, College Park Coursera
CE456 Fundamentals of Digital Image and Video Processing Northwestern University Coursera
HIST102 History of Europe, 1800 to the Present Saylor Saylor
HIST120 Ancient Civilizations of the World Saylor Saylor
HIST130 Practicing Tolerance in a Religious Society: The Church and the Jews in Italy University of Maryland, College Park Coursera
HIST181 The Kennedy Half Century University of Virginia Coursera
REL165 Greek and Roman Mythology University of Pennsylvania Coursera
REL310 The Letters of the Apostle Paul Harvard EdX
THEAT315 Marriage and the Movies: A History Wesleyan University Coursera