Level | Course Title | University | Provider |
CS101 | Introduction to Computer Science | Harvard | EdX |
CS286 | Web Development | Udacity | Udacity |
IT200 | Internet History, Technology, and Security | University of Michigan | Coursera |
IT220 | TechniCity | The Ohio State University | Coursera |
IT224 | User Experience for the Web | Open2Study | Open2Study |
IT250 | Management Information Systems | Saylor | Saylor |
IT286 | Interactive Computer Graphics | The University of Tokyo | Coursera |
IT423 | Networks: Friends, Money, and Bytes | Princeton University | Coursera |
IT424 | Web science: how the web is changing the world | University of Southampton | FutureLearn |
IT465 | GPS: An Introduction to Satellite Navigation, with an interactive Worldwide Laboratory using Smartphones | Stanford University | Coursera |