Level | Course Title | University | Provider |
CS87 | The Beauty and Joy of Computing (CS Principles), Part 1 | University of California, Berkeley | EdX |
CS101 | Introduction to Computer Science I | Saylor | Saylor |
CS101 | Computer Science 101 | Stanford University | Coursera |
CS101 | Learn to Program: The Fundamentals | University of Toronto | Coursera |
DESG101 | Design 101 (or Design Basics) | Abadir Fine Arts Academy | Iversity |
DESG110 | Intro to the Design of Everyday Things | Udacity | Udacity |
DESG215 | Visual Design | UC San Diego | Coursera |
DESG392 | Introduction to User Interface Design (Part 1) | Georgia Institute of Technology | Coursera |
DESG394 | Introduction to User Interface Design (Part 2) | Georgia Institute of Technology | Coursera |
SPAN93 | AP Spanish Language and Culture | St. Margaret’s Episcopal School | EdX |