Michael Z.
  • 15 Saved Courses
  • 14 Courses Completed
  • 0 Comments Left

All Saved Courses

Level Course Title University Provider
ENG97 English Grammar and Style The University of Queensland EdX
GL81 The Road to Selective College Admissions St. Margaret’s Episcopal School EdX
HIST222 Civil War and Reconstruction - Part 1 1850 -1861 Columbia University EdX
HIST223 The Civil War and Reconstruction - 1861-1865 Columbia University EdX
HIST224 The Civil War and Reconstruction - 1865-1890 Columbia University EdX
HIST355 The French Revolution The University of Melbourne Coursera
HIST370 China Harvard EdX
HIST392 War for the Greater Middle East Boston University EdX
MATH131 Effective Thinking Through Mathematics UTAustin EdX
MGT179 Shaping the Future of Work MIT EdX
MGT373 Better Leader, Richer Life University of Pennsylvania Coursera
PHIL101 Introduction to Philosophy The University of Edinburgh Coursera
POLSCI322 Justice Harvard EdX
POLSCI433 Terrorism and Counterterrorism Georgetown EdX
TRDEV85 Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects UC San Diego Coursera