Monique L.
  • 19 Saved Courses
  • 0 Courses Completed
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All Saved Courses

Level Course Title University Provider
CS101 Programming Foundations with Python Udacity Udacity
CS101 Programming for Everybody (Python) University of Michigan Coursera
CS101 Introduction to Computing using Python Georgia Institute of Technology EdX
CS114 Think. Create. Code The University of Adelaide EdX
CS163 Intro to HTML and CSS Udacity Udacity
CS227 UX Design for Mobile Developers Udacity Udacity
CS228 Website Performance Optimization Udacity Udacity
CS286 Web Development Udacity Udacity
FS221 Introduction to Nutrition: Food for Health Wageningen EdX
FS260 The Meat We Eat University of Florida Coursera
HIST120 Ancient Civilizations of the World Saylor Saylor
HIST122 Early Globalizations Saylor Saylor
HIST181 The Kennedy Half Century University of Virginia Coursera
HIST240 A Global History of Architecture: Part 1 MIT EdX
HIST250 The Legacy of Islamic Civilization Bibliotheca Alexandrina EdX
HIST250 Ancient Egypt: A history in six objects University of Manchester Coursera
HIST298 Women and the Civil Rights Movement University of Maryland, College Park Coursera
IT224 User Experience for the Web Open2Study Open2Study
IT286 Interactive Computer Graphics The University of Tokyo Coursera