Level | Course Title | University | Provider |
EDU273 | The Art of Teaching | GEMS | EdX |
EDU339 | Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills | The University of Melbourne | Coursera |
EDU431 | Supporting children with difficulties in reading and writing | University of London | Coursera |
ENG97 | English Grammar and Style | The University of Queensland | EdX |
LAW320 | Copyright for Educators & Librarians | Duke University | Coursera |
MED0 | Pay Attention!! ADHD Through the Lifespan | University of Pennsylvania | Coursera |
PSYCH440 | Introduction to the Clinical Psychology of Children and Young People | The University of Edinburgh | Coursera |
PSYCH490 | Cognitive Psychology | Saylor | Saylor |
PSYCH493 | Educational Psychology | Saylor | Saylor |
PSYCH503 | Educational Psychology | OUI | OpenupEd |
REL220 | The Bible's Prehistory, Purpose, and Political Future | Emory University | Coursera |
REL306 | Jesus in Scripture and Tradition | NotreDame | EdX |
REL310 | The Letters of the Apostle Paul | Harvard | EdX |