The Art of Teaching

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The Art of Teaching

Course Description:

Teaching has always been more of a vocation than a profession. Every responsible citizen of the world was once moulded by a good teacher. It takes a special skill to impart knowledge to another person, be it a child or an adult. That is what makes teaching an art—knowing what level your learners are at, and presenting the material to them in a way they will not only grasp and remember, but be able to make practical use of. This three-week teacher training course has a practical edge, and you will: Be able to apply what you learn here to any classroom you will be in and with a diverse range of students. Explore learning theories and different teaching strategies to suit different types of students. Cover topics covered in the course including types of learners, teacher-centred and student-centred learning, lesson design, how people learn, what happens in the brain when we learn, and how to get students involved in assessment. By the end of the course, have a structured approach towards any lesson you take with any class of students. Be able to organize your thoughts, teaching, and even learning activities for your students.

  • Instructor(s) ​John Gougoulis
  • University
  • Provider
  • Start Date 13/Apr/2015
  • Duration 3 weeks
  • Main Language English
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