Christina G.
  • 95 Saved Courses
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All Saved Courses

Level Course Title University Provider
CES240 Latino Popular Culture for the Clueless The Ohio State University Coursera
CES265 Latin American Culture Tecnologico de Monterrey Coursera
CES268 Latin American Migration The Ohio State University Coursera
CES315 The American South: Its Stories, Music, and Art The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Coursera
COM101 Public Speaking Saylor Saylor
COM101 Introduction to Public Speaking University of Washington Coursera
COM108 Introduction to Communication Science University of Amsterdam Coursera
COM110 Principles Of Human Communication Saylor Saylor
COM150 Media and Society Saylor Saylor
EDU243 Caring for Vulnerable Children University of Strathclyde FutureLearn
EDU265 Library Advocacy Unshushed: Values, evidence, action University of Toronto EdX
EDU286 Water: The Essential Resource National Geographic Society Coursera
EDU317 Critical Issues in Urban Education The University of Chicago EdX
ENG15 Crafting an Effective Writer: Tools of the Trade Mt. San Jacinto College Coursera
ENG91 How Writers Write Poetry The Writing University The Writing University
ENG95 How Writers Write Fiction The Writing University The Writing University
ENG101 English Composition I Saylor Saylor
ENG102 Writing II: Rhetorical Composing The Ohio State University Coursera
ENG143 English Composition I: Achieving Expertise Duke University Coursera
ENG352 Writing for the Web Open2Study Open2Study
GL85 iMOOC101: Mastering American eLearning State University of New York Coursera
GL90 Understanding Research Methods University of London Coursera
GL235 Creative Problem Solving University of Minnesota Coursera
GL250 Scientific Humanities Sciences Po Coursera
MED0 Managing Addiction: A Framework for Successful Treatment The University of Adelaide EdX
MED0 Good Brain, Bad Brain: Drug Origins University of Birmingham FutureLearn
MED0 Drugs and the Brain California Institute of Technology Coursera
MED0 Medicating for Mental Health: Judicious Use of Psychiatric Drugs Colgate University EdX
MUS140 Fundamentals of Music Theory The University of Edinburgh Coursera
MUS154 How Music Works University of Florida Coursera
MUS155 Developing Your Musicianship Berklee College of Music Coursera
MUS189 Introduction to Guitar Berklee College of Music Coursera
MUS262 History of Rock, Part One University of Rochester Coursera
MUS262 Music's Big Bang: The Genesis of Rock 'n' Roll University of Florida Coursera
MUS263 History of Rock, Part Two University of Rochester Coursera
MUS353 Songwriting Berklee College of Music Coursera
MUS433 Fundamentals of Rehearsing Music Ensembles The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Coursera
NER S330 The Addicted Brain Emory University Coursera
PHIL101 Introduction to Philosophy Saylor Saylor
PHIL101 Introduction to Philosophy The University of Edinburgh Coursera
PHIL101 Introduction to Philosophy: God, Knowledge and Consciousness MIT EdX
PHIL108 Revolutionary Ideas: An Introduction to Legal and Political Philosophy University of Pennsylvania Coursera
PHIL180 Think Again: How to Reason and Argue Duke University Coursera
PHIL180 Critical Thinking - Reason and Fair Play in Communication Maastricht School of Management Romania Iversity
POLSCI112 Democratic Development Stanford University Coursera
POLSCI210 America's Written Constitution Yale University Coursera
POLSCI320 How to Change the World Wesleyan University Coursera
POLSCI322 Justice Harvard EdX
POLSCI338 Framing: Creating powerful political messages Delft EdX
POLSCI402 Civil Liberties and Civil Rights Saylor Saylor
POLSCI450 Congressional Politics Saylor Saylor
PSYCH100 Why We Need Psychology University of London International Programmes Coursera
PSYCH100 Introduction to Psychology St. Margaret’s Episcopal School EdX
PSYCH101 Introduction to Psychology Saylor Saylor
PSYCH101 Introduction to Psychology University of Toronto Coursera
PSYCH101 Diploma in Psychology ALISON ALISON
PSYCH101 Introduction to Psychology Tsinghua EdX
PSYCH123 Introduction to Psychology as a Science Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera
PSYCH175 Unlocking the Immunity to Change: A New Approach to Personal Improvement Harvard EdX
PSYCH230 Gender and Sexuality Saylor Saylor
PSYCH245 Bullying 101: Beyond common sense University of Padova Iversity
PSYCH269 Soul Beliefs: Causes and Consequences Rutgers University Coursera
PSYCH280 Research Methods Saylor Saylor
PSYCH281 Research Methods Lab Saylor Saylor
PSYCH308 Industrial and Organizational Psychology Saylor Saylor
PSYCH312 The Psychology of Criminal Justice The University of Queensland EdX
PSYCH315 Resilience in Children Exposed to Trauma, Disaster and War: Global Perspectives University of Minnesota Coursera
PSYCH318 Moralities of Everyday Life Yale University Coursera
PSYCH320 Unethical Decision Making in Organizations University of Lausanne Coursera
PSYCH321 Theories of Personality Saylor Saylor
PSYCH326 Psychology and Mental Health: Beyond Nature and Nurture University of Liverpool FutureLearn
PSYCH327 What is a Mind? University of Cape Town FutureLearn
PSYCH350 Social Psychology Wesleyan University Coursera
PUB H0 Understanding Drugs and Addiction King's College London FutureLearn
PUB H0 AIDS Emory University Coursera
PUB H0 The Social Context of Mental Health and Illness University of Toronto Coursera
PUB H0 Principles of Public Health University of California, Irvine Coursera
PUB H0 Epidemics - the Dynamics of Infectious Diseases The Pennsylvania State University Coursera
PUB H0 Genetics and Society: A Course for Educators American Museum of Natural History Coursera
PUB H0 The Challenges of Global Health Duke University Coursera
PUB H0 Abortion: Quality Care and Public Health Implications University of California, San Francisco Coursera
PUB H0 The American Disease: Drugs and Drug Control in the USA University of Florida Coursera
PUB H0 An Introduction to Population Health University of Manchester Coursera
REL263 Religion and Hip Hop Culture Rice EdX
SOC101 Introduction to Sociology Princeton University Coursera
SOC101 Introduction to Sociology Saylor Saylor
SOC101 Introduction to Sociology Arizona State University EdX
SOC230 Introduction to Global Sociology Wellesley EdX
SOC263 Understanding Violence Emory University Coursera
SOC331 Population and Society IIT Kanpur NPTEL
SOC335 Community Change in Public Health Johns Hopkins University Coursera
TRDEV85 Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects UC San Diego Coursera
TRDEV227 Decision Skills: Power Tools to Build Your Life Decision Education Foundation Novoed
TRDEV232 Success - Unleash yourself University of Agder Novoed
TRDEV440 Massive Personalized Education in a Complex World MESR OpenupEd