Joan M.
  • 24 Saved Courses
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All Saved Courses

Level Course Title University Provider
ENTR140 Starting a business: realise your vision University of Leeds FutureLearn
MGT100 Management KTU OpenupEd
MGT101 Introduction to Business Saylor Saylor
MGT126 The Importance of Money in Business University of Leeds FutureLearn
MGT156 Career Edge: Resume, Networking and Interview Skills Fullbridge EdX
MGT166 Work Smarter, Not Harder: Time Management for Personal & Professional Productivity University of California, Irvine Coursera
MGT169 The Art of Negotiation University of California, Irvine Coursera
MGT170 Project Management: The Basics for Success University of California, Irvine Coursera
MGT170 Introduction to Project Management The University of Adelaide EdX
MGT173 Managing Your Time, Money, and Career: MBA Insights for Undergraduates University of California, Irvine Coursera
MGT243 Make an Impact: Sustainability for Professionals University of Bath FutureLearn
MGT243 Strategy and the Sustainable Enterprise IIMB EdX
MGT250 Strategy & Business Models in a Digital World Babson EdX
MGT255 Business Model Implementation Delft EdX
MGT255 The Value of Business Models Delft EdX
MGT360 Small Business Management Saylor Saylor
MGT404 Introduction to People Management IIMB EdX
MGT410 Project Management Saylor Saylor
MGT410 Principles of Project Management Polytechnic West Open2Study
MGT414 Managing Project Risks and Changes University of California, Irvine Coursera
MGT432 Foundations of E-Commerce Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Coursera
MGT OP340 Operations Management Saylor Saylor
MGT OP340 An Introduction to Operations Management University of Pennsylvania Coursera
MGT OP355 Scaling operations: Linking strategy and execution Northwestern University Coursera