Amy B.
  • 34 Saved Courses
  • 0 Courses Completed
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All Saved Courses

Level Course Title University Provider
CS101 Learn to Program: The Fundamentals University of Toronto Coursera
CS101 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming MIT EdX
CS101 Introduction to Computer Science Harvard EdX
CS101 Introduction to Computer Science Udacity Udacity
CS101 Introduction to Computer Programming, Part 1 IIT Bombay EdX
CS101 Introduction to Computer Programming, Part 2 IIT Bombay EdX
CS163 Intro to HTML and CSS Udacity Udacity
CS166 How to Use Git and GitHub Udacity Udacity
CS228 Website Performance Optimization Udacity Udacity
CS268 Principles of Computing Rice University Coursera
CS286 Web Development Udacity Udacity
CS295 Algorithms Saylor Saylor
CS310 Web Development Saylor Saylor
CS380 Introduction to Data Science University of Washington Coursera
CS400 Introduction to Databases Stanford University Coursera
CS400 Introduction to Modern Database Systems Saylor Saylor
DESG101 Design 101 (or Design Basics) Abadir Fine Arts Academy Iversity
DESG110 Intro to the Design of Everyday Things Udacity Udacity
DESG115 Delft Design Approach Delft EdX
DESG260 Design Thinking Action Lab Stanford University Novoed
DESG285 Designing, Running, and Analyzing Experiments UC San Diego Coursera
DESG307 Human Factors and Culture in Design Tsinghua EdX
DESG403 Designing Technology for Learning Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera
ECON140 Everyday Economics MRUniversity MRUniversity
ENTR101 What’s Your Big Idea? The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Coursera
ENTR111 Entrepreneurship 101: Who is your customer? MIT EdX
ENTR112 Entrepreneurship 102: What can you do for your customer? MIT EdX
ENTR129 The Enterprise Shed: Making Ideas Happen Newcastle University FutureLearn
ENTR140 Starting a business: realise your vision University of Leeds FutureLearn
ENTR140 Essentials of Entrepreneurship: Thinking & Action University of California, Irvine Coursera
ENTR140 Becoming an Entrepreneur MIT EdX
ENTR140 Launching New Ventures EPFL Coursera
ENTR183 How to Start a Startup Y Combinator Y Combinator
ENTR270 Lead Like an Entrepreneur Babson Novoed