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Introduction to Game Design

Classified as: CS296 - Intro to Game Design (1 Alt. Course Available)
Course Description:

An introduction to the basic methods of game design. This course includes defining and analyzing games and their mechanics, and understanding how mechanics affect gameplay and player experiences.  Practical assignments include creating both paper and digital prototypes, using user testing to find points of failure and iterative design processes to revise and improve overall gameplay. Week 0 of this course is a 'ramp-up' week for participants to introduce themselves to one another and become familiar with the forums and other course platform features. This course is part of the EdTechX series from the MIT Education Arcade. Check out the other course modules to further build your understanding of the use and design of technologies for learning.

Course Tags: Video Games
  • Instructor(s) Eric Klopfer, Philp Tan and others
  • University
  • Provider
  • Start Date 22/Oct/2014
  • Duration 6 weeks
  • Main Language English
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