International Criminal Law

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International Criminal Law

Classified as: LAW367 - Introduction to International Criminal Law (1 Alt. Course Available)
Course Description:

The main objective of this course is to help students understand the basic knowledge of international criminal law. We will learn through 20 chapters to achieve this goal, including from the United States, Germany, Britain, Sweden and the Islamic countries of the international criminal law scholar mainstream views and perspectives. This is an interest in international criminal law for concern, especially basic course students develop the Chinese criminal justice system offered to provide a more complete knowledge of international criminal law system. This course will show students the knowledge system of international criminal law. The main contents include: property and history, the birth of the International Criminal Court and the jurisdiction of the international criminal law, extradition and international cooperation, the general concept of the general principles of international criminal law, criminal responsibility and defenses, international crime, the provisions of the International Criminal Court Statute of the International Crime and other important international crime, international criminal law in the rules of evidence and procedure.  

Course Tags: Crime
  • Instructor(s) 王世洲 教授
  • University
  • Provider
  • Start Date 15/Sep/2014
  • Duration 14 weeks
  • Main Language English
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