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Get Beyond Work-Life Balance (Inclusive Leadership Training)

Classified as: MGT250 - Lower Level Management courses (partial classified) (5 Alt. Courses Available)
Course Description:

Do you ever struggle to manage work and the rest of your life? You are not alone. Men and women all over the world are trying to figure out the impossible work-life “balance” and instead achieve success in all parts of their lives. Join Catalyst experts to learn the importance of inclusive leadership in creating flexible—and productive—work environments. Through research and real-world examples from a variety of situations, you will learn strategies for managing workplace flexibility, and you will learn how you have the power as an individual, a team member, or a leader to make positive change. You will understand the value of a flexible work environment and see what sets successful flexible workers and managers apart. With short quizzes, compelling case studies, and engaging videos, you will build your knowledge each section and share your experience with other learners on topics such as communication, technology, myth busting, challenges, and solutions. Throughout the course you develop a Personal Work-Life Plan to help apply the strategies taught and effectively manage your own work and life responsibilities or that of others.

  • Instructor(s) Amelia Costigan, Liz Mulligan-Ferry and others
  • University
  • Provider
  • Start Date 08/Nov/2016
  • Duration Always Available
  • Main Language English
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