Mariah K.
  • 27 Saved Courses
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All Saved Courses

Level Course Title University Provider
COM101 Introduction to Public Speaking University of Washington Coursera
COM201 The Future Of Storytelling Fachhochschule Potsdam Iversity
COM219 Storytelling for Change Acumen Novoed
FIN323 Financial Markets Yale University Coursera
FS221 Food, Nutrition & Your Health Open2Study Open2Study
FS241 World of Wine: From Grape to Glass The University of Adelaide EdX
FS410 The Science of Gastronomy The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Coursera
MGT160 Career Edge: Communication and Teamwork Fullbridge EdX
MGT166 Work Smarter, Not Harder: Time Management for Personal & Professional Productivity University of California, Irvine Coursera
MGT168 Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Skills Fullbridge EdX
MGT169 The Art of Negotiation University of California, Irvine Coursera
MGT169 Career Edge: Business and Data Analysis Fullbridge EdX
MGT170 Project Management: The Basics for Success University of California, Irvine Coursera
MGT178 Self-Assessment – Developing Your Strengths Fullbridge EdX
MGT193 Power Onboarding Northwestern University Coursera
MGT250 Strategy & Business Models in a Digital World Babson EdX
MGT250 Get Beyond Work-Life Balance (Inclusive Leadership Training) Catalyst EdX
PUB H0 Health Policy and the Affordable Care Act University of Pennsylvania Coursera
PUB H0 Mobile Healthcare technologies for patients and providers Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera
PUB H0 American Health Policy: The Structure of the American Health Care System (Part I of II) University of Pennsylvania Coursera
PUB H0 The Practitioner’s Guide to Global Health Boston University EdX
SOC318 Networks, Crowds and Markets Cornell EdX
TRDEV243 Networking Leadership 101: Building Your Core Professional Network Acumen Novoed
TRDEV350 Conversations that Inspire: Coaching Learning, Leadership and Change Case Western Reserve University Coursera
TRDEV440 Massive Personalized Education in a Complex World MESR OpenupEd
TRDEV451 Psychotechnology and learning processes UNINETTUNO OpenupEd
TRDEV520 Digital Spring School "Brain, Lifestyle and Learning" OUNL OpenupEd