***CourseBuffet note: This course is no longer available. We are not sure when/if it will return*** Behavioral economics couples scientific research on the psychology of decision making with economic theory to better understand what motivates financial decisions. In A Beginner’s Guide to Irrational Behavior, you will learn about some of the many ways in which we behave in less than rational ways, and how we might overcome our shortcomings. You’ll also learn about cases where our irrationalities work in our favor, and how we can harness these human tendencies to make better decisions.
Course Reviews
Dan Ariely is a wealth of knowledge on the topic of human behavior and a charming, charismatic teacher. All of the hours spent on this course were absolutely worth it! I'm only sad it's over, but I will keep my fingers crossed for an advanced class, in the future!
Dan is one of the best teachers I've ever had. Videos consists of Dan explanations and lots of figures and even cartoons. The team put a lot of work into preparing materials and making things easy to understand.
As the Dan's explanations are straightforward and colorful there is a quite high bar for passing the course (85%).
I've chosen a path with distinction, so I had to read additionally about 4-5 scientific papers (which was really fun!) and finish two additional writing assignments (solving real life problem and designing an experiment). Dan exactly knew what he is doing making it so hard (you'll get it when learn about IKEA effect and cognitive dissonance). I feel really good about myself after finishing the course! I would definitely do it again, and waiting for an advanced course :-)
The course involves commitment to set aside time for the video lectures each week, which are presented in such a way that is conducive to retaining the information. Quizzes are multiple choice, as is the final.
It was a rare combination of learning very useful and applicable things and having fun at the same time!
* 3 to 4 hours (maybe less) is just the time you need to keep on track but it's a lot more profitable if you can get an extra couple of hours to engage in additional (optional) content and spaces (like forums).
** The course is AWESOME!
Understanding your colleagues' and clients' thinking a little bit more is crucial. The class will help you learn about motivation, the psychology of money, emotions and making decisions in life. I will definitely take it again, if there is such an opportunity.
Very beneficial to anybody interested in Economy.