This course will help you understand how businesses create value, how to think with financials in mind and how to use financial information in business decision-making. We will start with the basics of financial statements and move to the conceptual framework of financial information and its relationship to industry, firms’ strategic positioning, and strategy execution. 这门课程用财务语言解构企业的价值创造过程,从而帮助学习者理解影响价值创造的各种因素,建立财务思维,并具备将其应用于商业决策的能力。我们将从认识财务报表开始,逐步了解财务信息的架构体系,讨论财务数据与行业、战略定位与战略执行的关系,剖析企业的价值创造过程,在此基础上,讨论如何运用财务数据进行商业决策。
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