Jorge F.
  • 13 Saved Courses
  • 2 Courses Completed
  • 0 Comments Left

All Saved Courses

Level Course Title University Provider
ART101 Art Appreciation and Techniques Saylor Saylor
ART103 Introduction to Art: Concepts & Techniques The Pennsylvania State University Coursera
ART180 Live!: A History of Art for Artists, Animators and Gamers California Institute of the Arts Coursera
FIN456 Risk Management Saylor Saylor
IT374 Information Security and Risk Management in Context University of Washington Coursera
MGT270 DQ 101: Introduction to Decision Quality Strategic Decisions Group Novoed
MGT320 Critical Perspectives on Management IE Business School Coursera
MGT401 Management for a Competitive Edge International College of Management Open2Study
MGT410 Principles of Project Management Polytechnic West Open2Study
MGT410 Project Management Saylor Saylor
MGT469 Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence Case Western Reserve University Coursera
MGT OP340 An Introduction to Operations Management University of Pennsylvania Coursera
MGT OP340 Operations Management Saylor Saylor