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Introduction to Art: Concepts & Techniques

Course Description:

Learn to identify and define various art movements, artists, and their artworks. Convey a personal appreciation for art concepts, techniques, and approaches through the creation and sharing of your own original artwork.

  • Instructor(s) Anna Divinsky
  • University
  • Provider
  • Start Date 28/May/2013
  • Duration 7 weeks
  • Main Language English
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  • Davis
    Peter Completed Course Aug 13 2015
    My first online course ever It was the last week of May 2013 ,the first day in my life I took a University course, and an online course. As an ESL student I was just a little bit nervous ,but the fact that I had a two-year backround in studio Art, Kept me enrolled to the course, which I succesfully passed and have earned my first Statement of Accomplishment. I loved the videolectures, the instructors, the whole course was amazing!
    Unfortunately, it never run again for second time, and I would be so much greatful,If I had this opportunity for a second time, to live again one of the best times in my life.Thank you Penn State, thanks Coursera! I love you all.