Lydia L.
  • 58 Saved Courses
  • 0 Courses Completed
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All Saved Courses

Level Course Title University Provider
ART101 Art Appreciation and Techniques Saylor Saylor
ART102 Art Appreciation and Techniques Saylor Saylor
ART103 Introduction to Art: Concepts & Techniques The Pennsylvania State University Coursera
ART201 Introduction to Western Art History: Prehistoric to High Gothic Saylor Saylor
ART202 Introduction to Western Art History: Proto-Renaissance to Contemporary Art Saylor Saylor
ART210 Art of Ancient Egypt and the Ancient Near East Saylor Saylor
ART250 Early Christian and Byzantine Art Saylor Saylor
ART255 Buddhist Art Saylor Saylor
ART280 Art of the Islamic World Saylor Saylor
ART283 African Art Saylor Saylor
ART302 Arts of Asia Saylor Saylor
ART303 Modern Art Saylor Saylor
ART304 Twentieth Century Art Saylor Saylor
ART305 Art of Ancient Greece and Rome Saylor Saylor
ART307 The Italian Proto-Renaissance To Mannerism Saylor Saylor
ART309 Baroque Art to Neoclassicism Saylor Saylor
ART317 Roman Architecture Saylor Saylor
ART317 Roman Architecture Yale University Coursera
ART320 Practice Based Research in the Arts Stanford University Novoed
ART333 Early Renaissance Architecture in Italy: from Alberti to Bramante Sapienza University of Rome Coursera
ART390 American Art Saylor Saylor
ART405 Contemporary Art Saylor Saylor
BIO130 Marine Biology Saylor Saylor
BIO301 Genetics Saylor Saylor
BIO301 Introduction to Genetics and Evolution Duke University Coursera
BIO426 Zoology Saylor Saylor
BIO438 Animal Behaviour The University of Melbourne Coursera
CS101 Introduction to Computer Science I Saylor Saylor
CS101 Introduction to Computer Science II Saylor Saylor
ECON307 Generating the Wealth of Nations The University of Melbourne Coursera
ECON351 Economic Issues Food & You University of Florida Coursera
ECON352 Principles of Obesity Economics Johns Hopkins University Coursera
HIST101 History of Europe, 1000 to 1800 Saylor Saylor
HIST102 History of Europe, 1800 to the Present Saylor Saylor
HIST110 United States History 1 Saylor Saylor
HIST111 United States History II Saylor Saylor
HIST120 Ancient Civilizations of the World Saylor Saylor
HIST121 A History of the World since 1300 Princeton University Coursera
HIST122 Early Globalizations Saylor Saylor
HIST123 World History in the Early Modern and Modern Eras (1600-Present) Saylor Saylor
HIST131 The Modern World: Global History since 1760 University of Virginia Coursera
HIST273 Islam, The Middle East, and The West Saylor Saylor
HIST275 Pre-Modern Northeast Asia Saylor Saylor
HIST284 History of Technology Saylor Saylor
HIST298 Women and the Civil Rights Movement University of Maryland, College Park Coursera
HIST330 Causes of war King's College London FutureLearn
HIST339 Greece, The Roman Republic, and The Roman Empire Saylor Saylor
HIST340 The Ancient Greeks Wesleyan University Coursera
HIST382 The Holocaust University of California, Santa Cruz Coursera
HIST441 Medieval Europe Saylor Saylor
MGT100 Management KTU OpenupEd
MGT101 Introduction to Business Saylor Saylor
MGT270 DQ 101: Introduction to Decision Quality Strategic Decisions Group Novoed
MGT301 Principles of Management Saylor Saylor
MGT330 New Models of Business in Society University of Virginia Coursera
MGT360 Small Business Management Saylor Saylor
MGT425 Grow to Greatness: Smart Growth for Private Businesses, Part I University of Virginia Coursera
REL310 The Letters of the Apostle Paul Harvard EdX