Lauren D.
  • 35 Saved Courses
  • 0 Courses Completed
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All Saved Courses

Level Course Title University Provider
ART101 Art Appreciation and Techniques Saylor Saylor
COM101 Public Speaking Saylor Saylor
COM155 Making Sense of News The University of Hong Kong EdX
COM205 Introduction to Mass Media Saylor Saylor
FRCH95 On-Ramp to AP* French Language and Culture Weston High School EdX
ITALY101 Italian Language and Culture: Beginner Wellesley EdX
ITALY201 Italian Language and Culture: Intermediate Wellesley EdX
ITALY301 Italian Language and Culture: Advanced Wellesley EdX
LAW312 The Law of the European Union: An Introduction Universiteit Leiden Coursera
LAW336 Introduction to Key Constitutional Concepts and Supreme Court Cases University of Pennsylvania Coursera
LAW365 Human Rights: Global & Local Protection University of Padova Iversity
LAW365 International Human Rights Louvain EdX
LAW367 Introduction to International Criminal Law Case Western Reserve University Coursera
LAW378 Surveillance Law Stanford University Coursera
LAW378 Cyberwar, Surveillance and Security The University of Adelaide EdX
POLSCI105 Introduction to Politics Saylor Saylor
POLSCI235 Introduction to International Relations Saylor Saylor
POLSCI312 Human Trafficking The Ohio State University Coursera
POLSCI350 Human Rights and Development Cornell EdX
POLSCI416 Ethics and Public Policy Saylor Saylor
POLSCI419 Global Justice Saylor Saylor
POLSCI432 Understanding Terrorism and the Terrorist Threat University of Maryland, College Park Coursera
POLSCI433 Terrorism and Counterterrorism Georgetown EdX
POLSCI433 Terrorism and Counterterrorism: Comparing Theory and Practice Universiteit Leiden Coursera
POLSCI437 Introduction to Western Political Thought Saylor Saylor
POLSCI438 Contemporary Political Thought Saylor Saylor
POLSCI442 International Law Saylor Saylor
POLSCI460 International Organization(s) Saylor Saylor
POLSCI461 Understanding Europe: Why It Matters and What It Can Offer You HEC Paris Coursera
POLSCI461 History and Institutions of the European Union UNINETTUNO OpenupEd
PSYCH230 Gender and Sexuality Saylor Saylor
PSYCH312 The Psychology of Criminal Justice The University of Queensland EdX
PSYCH315 Resilience in Children Exposed to Trauma, Disaster and War: Global Perspectives University of Minnesota Coursera
PSYCH320 Unethical Decision Making in Organizations University of Lausanne Coursera
SOC263 Understanding Violence Emory University Coursera