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Cyberwar, Surveillance and Security

Classified as: LAW378 - Surveillance Law (1 Alt. Course Available)
Course Description:

Once heralded as the ultimate vehicle for open communication and self-expression, the internet is rapidly becoming a globally networked surveillance device. Serious threats to national security, combined with the seemingly endless capacity of digital processing and storage, have led to levels of data capture and 24/7 monitoring of individuals’ activity that were unimaginable even a decade ago. With resistance to such practices rising, this course will equip you to take an active part in the debate. You will gain a broad understanding of the competing tensions of the laws related to national security and personal and commercial privacy in the post-Snowden online environment. You will also grasp the looming consequences of this battle for peace, sovereignty, human rights and the internet itself.

  • Instructor(s) Melissa de Zwart, Dale Stephens and others
  • University
  • Provider
  • Start Date Always Available
  • Duration Always Available
  • Main Language English
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