Nupur K.
  • 30 Saved Courses
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All Saved Courses

Level Course Title University Provider
CES337 Engaging India Australian National University EdX
CS122 Elementary Data Structures Saylor Saylor
CS180 Introduction to Linux LinuFoundation EdX
CS260 Computer Architecture Saylor Saylor
CS286 Web Application Architectures University of New Mexico Coursera
CS295 Algorithms Saylor Saylor
CS471 Cloud Computing Concepts University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Coursera
CS472 Cloud Computing Applications University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Coursera
CS510 Programming Cloud Services for Android Handheld Systems Vanderbilt University Coursera
HIST120 Ancient Civilizations of the World Saylor Saylor
HIST122 Early Globalizations Saylor Saylor
HIST382 The Holocaust University of California, Santa Cruz Coursera
HIST428 Historical Methodology: The Art and Craft of the Historian Saylor Saylor
IT271 Introduction to Cloud Computing IEEE EdX
MGT262 Knowledge Management and Big Data in Business The Hong Kong Polytechnic University EdX
MGT270 DQ 101: Introduction to Decision Quality Strategic Decisions Group Novoed
MGT301 Organizational Analysis Stanford University Coursera
MGT301 Principles of Management Saylor Saylor
MGT348 Healthcare in India: Strategic Perspectives IIMB EdX
NER S110 Good Brain, Bad Brain: Basics University of Birmingham FutureLearn
NER S260 Exploring Neural Data Brown University Coursera
PHIL461 Indian Philosophy IIT Madras NPTEL
PSYCH101 Introduction to Psychology Saylor Saylor
PSYCH101 Intro to Psychology Udacity Udacity
PSYCH230 Gender and Sexuality Saylor Saylor
PSYCH280 Research Methods Saylor Saylor
PSYCH281 Research Methods Lab Saylor Saylor
PSYCH327 What is a Mind? University of Cape Town FutureLearn
PSYCH330 A Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior Duke University Coursera
PSYCH456 The mind is flat: the shocking shallowness of human psychology University of Warwick FutureLearn