evelyn H.
  • 29 Saved Courses
  • 0 Courses Completed
  • 0 Comments Left

All Saved Courses

Level Course Title University Provider
EDU100 Where Next? OUUK OpenupEd
EDU222 Art and Inquiry: Museum Teaching Strategies For Your Classroom The Museum of Modern Art Coursera
EDU225 Art & Activity: Interactive Strategies for Engaging with Art The Museum of Modern Art Coursera
EDU250 Teaching with Davidson Next Davidson Next EdX
EDU273 The Art of Teaching GEMS EdX
EDU320 Surviving Your Rookie Year of Teaching: 3 Key Ideas & High Leverage Techniques Match Education Coursera
EDU320 First Year Teaching (Elementary Grades) - Success from the Start New Teacher Center Coursera
EDU321 First Year Teaching (Secondary Grades) - Success from the Start New Teacher Center Coursera
EDU338 History and Future of (Mostly) Higher Education Duke University Coursera
EDU338 What future for education? University of London Coursera
EDU339 Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills The University of Melbourne Coursera
EDU340 Emerging Trends & Technologies in the Virtual K-12 Classroom University of California, Irvine Coursera
EDU340 K-12 Blended & Online Learning Kennesaw State University Coursera
EDU340 Foundations of Virtual Instruction University of California, Irvine Coursera
EDU342 Blended Learning: Personalizing Education for Students New Teacher Center Coursera
EDU342 ICT in Primary Education University of London Coursera
EDU344 Performance Assessment in the Virtual Classroom University of California, Irvine Coursera
EDU345 Innovating Instruction: Reimagining Teaching with Technology Columbia University EdX
EDU350 Practical Learning Analytics University of Michigan Coursera
EDU350 Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning: Web 2.0 Tools University of Houston System Coursera
EDU365 Reading to Learn in Science Stanford University Novoed
EDU381 Shaping the Way We Teach English, 1: The Landscape of English Language Teaching University of Oregon Coursera
TRDEV85 Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects UC San Diego Coursera
TRDEV87 How to be a Peer Assessor OUUK OpenupEd
TRDEV90 How to Succeed in College University of Kentucky Coursera
TRDEV227 Decision Skills: Power Tools to Build Your Life Decision Education Foundation Novoed
TRDEV243 Networking Leadership 101: Building Your Core Professional Network Acumen Novoed
TRDEV302 How to be a Peer Facilitator OUUK OpenupEd
TRDEV451 Psychotechnology and learning processes UNINETTUNO OpenupEd