  • 27 Saved Courses
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All Saved Courses

Level Course Title University Provider
MECH E110 Introduction to Engineering Mechanics Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera
MECH E110 Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Saylor Saylor
MECH E116 Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Saylor Saylor
MECH E120 Introduction to Engineering and Engineering Mathematics UTArlington EdX
MECH E212 Mechanics I Saylor Saylor
MECH E212 Mechanics II - Dynamics Saylor Saylor
MECH E212 Dynamics MIT EdX
MECH E217 Applications in Engineering Mechanics Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera
MECH E218 Elements of Structures MIT EdX
MECH E220 Engineering Materials & Materials Processing Saylor Saylor
MECH E260 Innovation and Commercialization MIT EdX
MECH E301 Thermodynamics Saylor Saylor
MECH E301 Introduction to Thermodynamics: Transferring Energy from Here to There University of Michigan Coursera
MECH E301 Thermodynamics IIT Bombay EdX
MECH E303 Fluid Mechanics Saylor Saylor
MECH E303 Fundamentals of Fluid Power University of Minnesota Coursera
MECH E304 Measurement & Experimentation Laboratory Saylor Saylor
MECH E305 Engineering Systems in Motion: Dynamics of Particles and Bodies in 2D Motion Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera
MECH E313 Numerical Methods for Engineers Saylor Saylor
MECH E316 Design Decisions in Engineering Saylor Saylor
MECH E320 Sustainable Product Development Stanford University Novoed
MECH E330 Mechatronics Saylor Saylor
MECH E348 Dynamic Systems & Controls Saylor Saylor
MECH E350 Fundamentals of Fluid-Solid Interactions École Polytechnique Coursera
MECH E350 Statistical Thermodynamics: Molecules to Machines Carnegie Mellon University Coursera
MECH E357 Everything is the Same: Modeling Engineered Systems Northwestern University Coursera
MECH E363 Sustainable Mobility IFP IFP