  • 61 Saved Courses
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All Saved Courses

Level Course Title University Provider
ASTR101 The Evolving Universe Caltech EdX
ASTR240 Super-Earths And Life Harvard EdX
ASTR420 Alien Worlds: The Science of Exoplanet Discovery and Characterization Boston University EdX
ASTR432 Confronting The Big Questions: Highlights of Modern Astronomy University of Rochester Coursera
ASTR435 Relativity and Astrophysics Cornell EdX
BIO214 Botany Saylor Saylor
BIO251 Human Physiology Saylor Saylor
BIO484 Nanotechnology and Nanosensors Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Coursera
BIO488 Biotechnology Saylor Saylor
BIO E426 Introduction to Tissue Engineering Hebrew University of Jerusalem Coursera
BIOSCI303 Biochemistry Saylor Saylor
BIOSCI305 Microbiology Saylor Saylor
BIOSCI405 Pathobiology Saylor Saylor
BIOSCI440 Immunology Saylor Saylor
CHEM101 General Chemistry I Saylor Saylor
CHEM105 General Chemistry II Saylor Saylor
CHEM315 The Chemistry of Life KyotoU EdX
CHEM331 Physical Chemistry I Saylor Saylor
CHEM345 Organic Chemistry I Saylor Saylor
CHEM346 Organic Chemistry II Saylor Saylor
CHEM348 Advanced Organic Chemistry Saylor Saylor
CHEM401 Inorganic Chemistry Saylor Saylor
CHEM410 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Saylor Saylor
CHEM440 Medicinal Chemistry: The Molecular Basis of Drug Discovery Davidson EdX
CHEM486 Bioinorganic Chemistry Saylor Saylor
COM110 Principles Of Human Communication Saylor Saylor
COM230 Content Strategy for Professionals: Engaging Audiences for Your Organization Northwestern University Coursera
COM263 Communicating Strategically Purdue EdX
ENG15 Crafting an Effective Writer: Tools of the Trade Mt. San Jacinto College Coursera
ENG354 Online Games: Literature, New Media, and Narrative Vanderbilt University Coursera
ENG402 Writing in the Sciences Stanford University Coursera
ENG402 Engineering Communication Saylor Saylor
MECH E110 Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Saylor Saylor
PHYS101 Introduction to Mechanics Saylor Saylor
PHYS155 A Look at Nuclear Science and Technology University of Pittsburgh Coursera
PHYS163 Science & Cooking: From Haute Cuisine to Soft Matter Science Harvard EdX
PHYS202 Introduction to Electromagnetism Saylor Saylor
PHYS203 Electricity & Magnetism, Part 2 Rice EdX
PHYS210 Statistical Mechanics: Algorithms and Computations École normale supérieure Coursera
PHYS218 Waves & Optics Rice EdX
PHYS230 Understanding Einstein: The Special Theory of Relativity Stanford University Coursera
PHYS250 Mastering Quantum Mechanics MIT EdX
PHYS273 Introduction to Light, Color, and Life Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Coursera
PHYS380 The discovery of the Higgs boson The University of Edinburgh FutureLearn
PHYS402 Electronics IIT Delhi NPTEL
PHYS406 Special Topics in Atomic Physics IIT Madras NPTEL
PHYS412 Plasma Physics: Fundamentals and Applications IIT Delhi NPTEL
PHYS412 Dark Matter in Galaxies Sissa di Trieste Iversity
PHYS450 Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computation University of California, Berkeley Coursera
PHYS451 Quantum Mechanics and Applications IIT Delhi NPTEL
PHYS540 Effective Field Theory MIT EdX
STATS80 Big Data and Social Physics MIT EdX
STATS120 I "Heart" Stats: Learning to Love Statistics NotreDame EdX
STATS120 Statistics: Making Sense of Data University of Toronto Coursera
STATS202 Introduction to Statistics: Descriptive Statistics University of California, Berkeley EdX
STATS205 Introduction to Statistics Saylor Saylor
TEX E215 Theory of Yarn Structures IIT Delhi NPTEL
TEX E271 Natural Dyes IIT Kanpur NPTEL
TRDEV85 Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects UC San Diego Coursera
TRDEV440 Massive Personalized Education in a Complex World MESR OpenupEd
TRDEV451 Psychotechnology and learning processes UNINETTUNO OpenupEd