This course will discuss the approaches used to understand important properties of materials and the relationships between these properties. Elementary quantum m...
Students will learn how to identify symmetrical forms and appreciate their importance in nature, art, architecture, crystallography and technology. By completing...
In 3.072x: Symmetry, Structure, and Tensor Properties of Materials, you will study the underlying structures of materials and you will deepen your understanding ...
The aim of this course is to provide a basic understanding of the underlying principles that determine the evolution of microstructures in metals and alloys duri...
Introduction; The Science Base of Iron and Steelmaking; Modern Steelmaking I: Oxygen Steelmaking; Modern Steelmaking II: Electric Arc Furnace Steelmaking; Steelm...
Graphene is the world’s first 2-dimensional material and is the thinnest, strongest, and most flexible material known to exist. A special form of carbon, graphen...
Gain a foundational understanding of the world of 2-dimensional materials, including Graphene. This course provides an overview of this exciting new field of stu...
First, second and third laws of thermodynamics, Maxwell's relations, Clausius-Clayperon equation. Solutions: solution models, regular, sub-regular, cluster varia...
Introduction, Relationship between energy balance, energy conservation and environment; Dimensions, units and conversion factors; Stoichiometry; Principles of ca...
Introduction to basic concepts of Materials Science; Salient properties of important material classes; Property requirement of biomaterials; Concept of biocompat...
This course will expose students to the science of sub-micron, meso and nanoscale patterning of surfaces with special emphasis on thin soft films like gels, poly...
Conventional and newer sources of energy, Characterization of fuels: Analysis and calorific value with problems, Principles of conversion of fuels: Carbonization...
This course is an advanced level course for UG students and early PG students of Materials Science and Metallurgy. Various aspects of electronic ceramics are cov...
The course will begin with emphasis on the importance of studying environmental degradation of materials. Fundamentals of environmental degradation of materials...
The course will discuss the theoretical and practical aspects of extraction of nonferrous metals. Starting with a brief survey of the early trends in metal extra...
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