Ce cours introduit la programmation orientée objet en utilisant le langage Java. Le cours donne également une introduction aux notions de base de l'algorithmique...
Take an exciting crash course in MATLAB and Octave programming. Both languages allow users to experiment with advanced mathematical functions and produce excitin...
Commencer à utiliser un logiciel est toujours délicat, on ne sait jamais par où commencer. Dans ce cours nous allons nous concentrer sur la maîtrise d’Octave et ...
Agile methodology has taken the software development industry by storm. Everyone wants to be agile, but what does it really mean and how do you achieve agile dev...
Learn how to write composable software that is event-driven, scalable under load, resilient and responsive in the presence of failures. Model systems after human...
Learn about functional programming, and how it can be effectively combined with object-oriented programming. Gain practice in writing clean functional code, usin...
The course is an introduction to linear and discrete optimization - an important part of computational mathematics with a wide range of applications in many area...
Develop your promising idea into a successful business concept proposal, and launch it! Gain practical experience in the key steps of the venture creation proces...
Learn about the most important water treatment methods at household level, successful implementation strategies and about assessing the impact of Household Water...
Space exploration is truly fascinating. From the Sputnik mission to the assembly and exploitation of the International Space Station or the Apollo program, we ar...
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