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All University of Rochester courses - 8 Courses found from 1 University
Econ 101
  • The course will give you the tools with which to understand and predict market phenomena. A large dose of real-world applications will be provided along the way....
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Mus 262
  • Learn about the early days of rock music, from the pre-rock years of the post World War II era through the birth of rock in the mid 1950s to the Psychedelic era ...
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Mus 263
  • Learn about the growth of rock music, from the early 1970s through the rise of punk and disco in the late 1970s, and from the emergence of MTV, hip hop, and heav...
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Mus 280
  • The Music of the Beatles will track the musical development of the band, starting from the earliest days in Liverpool and Hamburg, moving through the excitement ...
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Mus 283
Astr 432
EE 324
Entr 432
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