Level | Course Title | University | Provider |
ART102 | Art Appreciation and Techniques | Saylor | Saylor |
ART201 | Introduction to Western Art History: Prehistoric to High Gothic | Saylor | Saylor |
ART255 | Buddhist Art | Saylor | Saylor |
ART317 | Roman Architecture | Saylor | Saylor |
DESG150 | Design: Creation of Artifacts in Society | University of Pennsylvania | Coursera |
FS101 | An Introduction to the U.S. Food System: Perspectives from Public Health | Johns Hopkins University | Coursera |
HIST428 | Historical Methodology: The Art and Craft of the Historian | Saylor | Saylor |
HIST439 | The Age of the Atlantic Slave Trade, 1500-1900 | Saylor | Saylor |
PUB H0 | Global Health Cultures | University of Florida | Coursera |
PUB H0 | Health for All Through Primary Care | Johns Hopkins University | Coursera |
PUB H0 | Health Informatics in the Cloud | Georgia Institute of Technology | Coursera |
PUB H0 | Health Policy and the Affordable Care Act | University of Pennsylvania | Coursera |
PUB H0 | Health in Numbers: Quantitative Methods in Clinical & Public Health Research | Harvard | EdX |