Myrto S.
  • 31 Saved Courses
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All Saved Courses

Level Course Title University Provider
ART101 Art Appreciation and Techniques Saylor Saylor
ART102 Art Appreciation and Techniques Saylor Saylor
ART103 Introduction to Art: Concepts & Techniques The Pennsylvania State University Coursera
ART201 Introduction to Western Art History: Prehistoric to High Gothic Saylor Saylor
ART202 Introduction to Western Art History: Proto-Renaissance to Contemporary Art Saylor Saylor
ART230 Explaining European Paintings, 1400 to 1800 Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) EdX
ART303 Modern Art Saylor Saylor
ART304 Twentieth Century Art Saylor Saylor
ART309 Baroque Art to Neoclassicism Saylor Saylor
ART335 The Language of Hollywood: Storytelling, Sound, and Color Wesleyan University Coursera
ART387 The Camera Never Lies University of London International Programmes Coursera
ART405 Contemporary Art Saylor Saylor
ENG489 Cultural and Literary Expression in Modernity Saylor Saylor
HIST382 The Holocaust University of California, Santa Cruz Coursera
MED0 Neuroethics University of Pennsylvania Coursera
MED0 Medical Neuroscience Duke University Coursera
MED0 AnatomyX: Musculoskeletal Cases Harvard EdX
NER S221 Fundamentals of Neuroscience Part 2: Neurons and Networks Harvard EdX
NER S340 Introduction to Clinical Neurology University of California, San Francisco Coursera
PHIL101 Introduction to Philosophy Saylor Saylor
PHIL101 Introduction to Philosophy The University of Edinburgh Coursera
PHIL313 Ideas of the Twentieth Century UTAustin EdX
PHIL314 Existentialism Saylor Saylor
PSYCH100 Introduction to Psychology St. Margaret’s Episcopal School EdX
PSYCH101 Introduction to Psychology Saylor Saylor
PSYCH101 Introduction to Psychology University of Toronto Coursera
PSYCH101 Foundations of Psychology RMIT university Open2Study
PSYCH123 Introduction to Psychology as a Science Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera
PSYCH312 The Psychology of Criminal Justice The University of Queensland EdX
PSYCH314 Forensic Psychology: Witness Investigation The Open University FutureLearn
PSYCH321 Theories of Personality Saylor Saylor